Research at the University of Sydney
I’m very grateful to have been admitted as a doctoral research student at the University of Sydney, Australia. My deep appreciation goes to everybody who made this step possible and supported me throughout these last years. After three years of planning I look forward to reconnecting with my place of birth through this way and forming new relationships. I will

Tages Anzeiger: Musik in der Pandemie
Danke an Susanne Kübler vom Tagesanzeiger für das Interview und den Artikel! Musiker in der Corona-Krise: Wenn 4000 Franken Lohn als Luxus gelten Das Geld ist knapp, der Alltag kompliziert, doch die selbstständigen Musikerinnen und Musiker kamen bislang einigermassen gut durch die Pandemie. Das könnte sich bald ändern. Susanne Kübler «Viele werden aussteigen müssen»: Wenn von Kultur die Rede ist,

Interview with “15 questions”
I answered fiveteen questions by Tobias Fischer, from 15questions.net. Here’s a couple of answers. Find the full interview here! What do improvisation and composition mean to you and what, to you, are their respective merits? It’s interesting to me how, today, we tend to separate those two words in a dualistic way. I think that has to do with our

Jazz And Gender Conformity
“I play the piano like a man (…) I get the respect that lady divas don‘t get, because I’m one of the guys.” Shirley Horn I’ve been struggling lately with questions about gender conformity and queerness. There’s been a lot of talk about the gender bias in jazz these days. A lot of performative activism, but few ideas for structural

Dmitri Schostakovitsch: Trio in E-Moll
Im folgenden einige Wort über das Trio Nr.2 (op.67) in E-Moll Dmitri Schostakowitschs, welches ich zusammen mit der Violinistin Cosima Bodien und der Cellistin Isabel Gehweiler im April 2020 aufnahm. Der Text stammt aus einer Arbeit, den ich im Rahmen meines Studiums zum diesem Trio verfasste. Shostakovich: piano trio no. 2 in e-minor, op. 67 by Dmitri Shostakovich Entstehungsgeschichte Das

Les Suites Du Pantograph
Recently I have been helping and visiting some friends, who are forming a community and space for artists and creatively working people in Crémines, a village in the french speaking part of Switzerland. I wrote the following text to give you and idea of the project… Read more about this here. Are you lost? Is what you ask yourself, when

Interview with Pablo Held (German and English)
Interview with German Pianist Pablo Held, January 2019 http://www.pabloheld.com/ Ascent by Pablo Held Also check out Pablo’s interview series with fantastic musicians, including Norma Winstone, Bill Stewart, Kevin Hays and many others: https://pabloheldinvestigates.com/ Press here for #English Max: Dein Trio gehört für mich zu den spannendsten, Bands in Europa im Moment. Wie habt ihr euch eigentlich kennen gelernt? Pablo: Als

Corona, Community, McCoy Tyner
It’s the calm before the storm in Europe. As numbers of cases and deaths will surge in the next week, I find myself sticking to my phone reading news, trying to inform myself and understand what so many experts understand so much better than I ever will. I think, a lot of artists find themselves in a similar place like

“Advertency” From “Divine Traces”
From the Album Divine Traces (2019, QFTF) Advertency refers to a state of mind, typically aimed for in meditation. This composition is split into two parts, that are very different from each other – it tries to combine those two extremes: On the one hand there is the theme, a “head” in the jazz terminology that in fact originally derives

Research at the University of Sydney
I’m very grateful to have been admitted as a doctoral research student at the University of Sydney, Australia. My deep appreciation goes to everybody who made this step possible and supported me throughout these last years. After three years of planning I look forward to reconnecting with my place of birth through this way and forming new relationships. I will

Tages Anzeiger: Musik in der Pandemie
Danke an Susanne Kübler vom Tagesanzeiger für das Interview und den Artikel! Musiker in der Corona-Krise: Wenn 4000 Franken Lohn als Luxus gelten Das Geld ist knapp, der Alltag kompliziert, doch die selbstständigen Musikerinnen und Musiker kamen bislang einigermassen gut durch die Pandemie. Das könnte sich bald ändern. Susanne Kübler «Viele werden aussteigen müssen»: Wenn von Kultur die Rede ist,

Interview with “15 questions”
I answered fiveteen questions by Tobias Fischer, from 15questions.net. Here’s a couple of answers. Find the full interview here! What do improvisation and composition mean to you and what, to you, are their respective merits? It’s interesting to me how, today, we tend to separate those two words in a dualistic way. I think that has to do with our

Jazz And Gender Conformity
“I play the piano like a man (…) I get the respect that lady divas don‘t get, because I’m one of the guys.” Shirley Horn I’ve been struggling lately with questions about gender conformity and queerness. There’s been a lot of talk about the gender bias in jazz these days. A lot of performative activism, but few ideas for structural

Dmitri Schostakovitsch: Trio in E-Moll
Im folgenden einige Wort über das Trio Nr.2 (op.67) in E-Moll Dmitri Schostakowitschs, welches ich zusammen mit der Violinistin Cosima Bodien und der Cellistin Isabel Gehweiler im April 2020 aufnahm. Der Text stammt aus einer Arbeit, den ich im Rahmen meines Studiums zum diesem Trio verfasste. Shostakovich: piano trio no. 2 in e-minor, op. 67 by Dmitri Shostakovich Entstehungsgeschichte Das

Les Suites Du Pantograph
Recently I have been helping and visiting some friends, who are forming a community and space for artists and creatively working people in Crémines, a village in the french speaking part of Switzerland. I wrote the following text to give you and idea of the project… Read more about this here. Are you lost? Is what you ask yourself, when

Interview with Pablo Held (German and English)
Interview with German Pianist Pablo Held, January 2019 http://www.pabloheld.com/ Ascent by Pablo Held Also check out Pablo’s interview series with fantastic musicians, including Norma Winstone, Bill Stewart, Kevin Hays and many others: https://pabloheldinvestigates.com/ Press here for #English Max: Dein Trio gehört für mich zu den spannendsten, Bands in Europa im Moment. Wie habt ihr euch eigentlich kennen gelernt? Pablo: Als

Corona, Community, McCoy Tyner
It’s the calm before the storm in Europe. As numbers of cases and deaths will surge in the next week, I find myself sticking to my phone reading news, trying to inform myself and understand what so many experts understand so much better than I ever will. I think, a lot of artists find themselves in a similar place like

“Advertency” From “Divine Traces”
From the Album Divine Traces (2019, QFTF) Advertency refers to a state of mind, typically aimed for in meditation. This composition is split into two parts, that are very different from each other – it tries to combine those two extremes: On the one hand there is the theme, a “head” in the jazz terminology that in fact originally derives